Price list EURO

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Price list 2023 EURO

In the price list, you will find our new wall absorbent Delta Leaves, and you will also get a preview of our latest addition to the Focus family.

You will find more information about how we work with sustainability and create silence for ears and eyes.


You haven’t missed the launches we did in autumn 2022, have you? If this is the case, you can read more about our table screen Zermatt, which has received an excellent reception. You can also read more about our armchair, which made our Tune family more complete, and last but not least, our successful re-launch of Kyoto, which is a very good example of how Zilenzio works with function, design, and sustainability.

In this price list, Delta Lamp, Tune top plate, and Tune square plate have disappeared as they are no longer part of the Zilenzio range.

Feel free to look further at our website, where you will find everything, you need, for example, our new catalog, media kit for your social media, certifications, product information, pictures, etc.