
Floor Screen

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The Dotz floor screen has been developed from the Offizz screen. Its simple pattern of circles creates life, playfulness and dynamism. An attractive pattern can be created by choosing different fabrics in the perforations. Dotz is available in several standard designs, shapes and materials.

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This product is a part of the Zilenzio Pro family.
Zilenzio Pro brings together the best in function, design and durability. All products in the series use Stone Wool for exceptional sound absorption, a recyclable and ultra durable material that is also fire and water-resistant. Several are available with replaceable fabric to extend the product’s life and offer a truly sustainable alternative. Zilenzio Pro meets the market requirements with a complete and updated reference and labeling system.The system is based on three requirement areas. Quality (technical requirements), environment and responsible supply chains regarding socially, environmentally, and ethical responsibility.